things I want to say about this season of life.
Disclaimer: This is the most transparent (or, arguably, ambiguous) I've been able to be publicly. I tend to make myself look "all together" or under control or strong or whatever you call it. This time I tried to be honest and clean cut.
1. I'm getting tired of looking for fulfillment in things and people only to realize again that Jesus is my source. It starts with Him first.
2. I'm a 21 year old kid with arthritis in my wrist. I've been praying for healing for almost two years. My Daddy's gonna fix it.
3. My future is going to rock. I just need to really believe that.
4. I am almost to the point of being completely burned out on music... and singing in the shower.
5. I'm so needy. Jesus, hold my hand.
6. On most days, I feel like Ecclesiastes chapter 1.
7. I want to go to Uganda, too!
8. Most of the time, I have nothing to say or I don't know what to say. And when I have something to say, I don't know how to say it.
9. What happened to the "AWE?"
10. My parents are the best. My brother is nice to me. My cousins miss me. My aunt pays for my movie passes. My Papaw is just down right golden. Thank you, Lord.
11. I know a lot of people who don't know Jesus. What I am I supposed to do?
12. Thoughts, stay out of my heart.
13. I have my major for a reason. If I win just one soul, it's worth the 4 years.
14. I don't feel beautiful, but I am. I am.
15. Lord, I don't understand. All I understand is that you love me.
Whatever You're doing inside of me
It feels like chaos but somehow there's peace
It's hard to surrender to what I can't see
but I'm giving in to something Heavenly
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