I've heard people over and over again claim what they want to happen. "It has to happen just like this and I have to marry this type of person and have this job and this number of kids and live in this type of house in this state/country and we'll do this and travel here and make this much money and be super involved with this".... just like it will make them completely happy.
So what do you want from life? I thought about this and I actually made a list a couple of years ago after I read a part of Ecclesiastes. I titled my list "What I Chase After." The list includes things just like I mentioned up there in that paragraph. Don't get me wrong. Those things matter... in this life.
Solomon goes through a kind of "list" and describes it like "chasing the wind."

I see this a lot. Some of my classmates have told me that if they don't make it into grad school, they have no idea what they'll do. They work their fingers to the bone underneath so much pressure to fulfill this one goal. Sure it's a goal that affects the rest of their lives, but is life really so important? If eternity is real then..... NO WAY. Not even a little. Let's look.
Let's say you live 100 years. What's 100 divided by INFINITY? That's a hard question. I looked up this question and found a math-forum (Yes. Some people like discussing math theorems). They concluded:
"1/infinity would be infinitesimally small"
(I realize that this isn't a reliable source, but, hey, these are people who really enjoy math and they put some thought into this).
So 100 years out of forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever ECETERA, ECETERA, ECETERA.... is a super small amount.
People want to make a legacy for themselves, too. Ha.
You are one out of 106,456,367,669 people that have ever lived. And that's not even considering how many people will live in the future. Pretty pathetic, huh?
Stop chasing the wind. Stop worshipping the sun.
Life's easy and filled up with Jesus. Nothing else besides Him can do that. NOTHING. Thank goodness for Him. Life would pretty meaningless.
"Our stomachs are so full of the small, there is no room for the great." -John Piper
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