I was reading though a small book called My Little Book of Dear God Letters. It's mostly for little kids, but if you know me, that doesn't phase me one bit. It is so precious. It was a Christmas present from my mom this past year. I want to share some of my favorites.
Dear God,
Do you have a minute?
Questions are good. And questions about God are some of the best questions of all because the more you can find out about God, the more you'll find out how much He loves you. You'll find out how to act in any situation. You'll find out what it means to have God as a friend. Grown-ups may not have all the answers, but ask anyway. They might learn something, too.
For the Lord giveth wisdom; out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding.
Proverbs 2:6
Dear God,
If I'm not allowed to cross the road... how will I get anywhere?
Don't worry about what you can't do; think of all the things you can do! God will use your life in a special way. Think of your life as a giant quilt. Right now you can only see one square of the quilt. But God can see the whole picture. He sees the beautiful colors and lovely patterns. One day, you too will see the entire picture. Don't stress about how to "get across the road." In time, God will show you the way.
For my thoughts are higher than your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways...
Isaiah 55:8-9
Dear God,
I think I'll dress up today... just in case you've got something special in mind.
Every morning when you push the covers back, you're ripping the wrapper off a shiny new present, a day not quite like any other you've ever lived before or like any you'll live again. Somehow, God never gets tired of watching the sun come up, seeing the flowers drip with dew, or giving you a day like today full of new things for you to do, to learn, to enjoy.
This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118:24
Dear God,
If I was a star... I'd like to be a very BRIGHT one.
I thank God for making me unique. I praise God for giving me special abilities. When I use my talent to do something with my heart and soul, I feel good! I know God is pleased. I feel like I sparkle! When I say or do the right things, I know God smiles. I feel like a bright shining star reflecting God's love to the world. I want to be a sparkling star against the night sky!
Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.
Matthew 5:16
Dear God,
Thanks for thinking of love.
God has placed wonderful, special people in your life, because He loves you. God's love is perfect. He's thought of everything! Now all you have to do is love Him back, and love others, too. It's that easy! You will get all of the blessings and guidance you need from God just by loving and believing in Him. What a deal! Thank you God, for loving me enough to put all these special people in my life.
The Lord hath appeared of old unto me, saying, Yea, I have loved you with an everlasting love.
Jeremiah 31:3
Dear God. I think I'll dress up today... just in case you've got something special in mind.
ReplyDeleteThat made my day. =)
I love that so so so so so so much. Hahaha!
I feel like that's the cutest thing to say to Jesus ever ever ever. And that He would really like it. =)