Monday, December 28, 2009

With Hearts as One

Tonight, I watched the Hillsong United DVD called the I Heart Revolution (Part I-With Hearts As One). Basically, The I Heart Revolution is Hillsong's mission trip around the world. How awesome is that?

In the DVD, every song is shown in a different country. It shows people walking down the streets of New York or London. You see kids from Africa carrying plastic jugs on their heads, or smiling, or running, or dancing. It also shows people in poverty and desperation. One of my favorites is the footage of their concert in Shanghi. It's incredible to see hundreds of people from China dancing and singing with so much passion because they know Jesus. It's literally mind-blowing to see that there are people from all parts of the world worshipping God in spirit and truth. It's so real. I always get chills from it. God is an awesome God! That's what those people scream because of their genuine love for Jesus.

And call me crazy, but I feel united to those people. We are all human and we all have one thing in common: Jesus. I had an experience in Nicaragua that made me feel like this for the first time. It was after a service in a small church and our mission team was at the alter praying for people in the congregation. I laid my hands on this elderly woman and started praying for her. Before I knew it, we were embracing each other with tears streaming down our cheeks. I didn't understand why we suddenly felt so much love for one another. I had never seen her before in my life, we spoke different languages, we were from completely different backgrounds of socio-economic status, but we felt completely united in love.

That was a taste of Heaven. That's what it'll be like. People from Africa, India, China, Russia, America, Europe, ...everywhere. Laughing, crying, dancing, embracing, sharing, sacrificing, encouraging, giving, singing, making joyful noises... all because of Jesus.

The thought of that is crazy. It's crazy, I tell you!

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