Wednesday, December 23, 2009


"I'm ecstatic and my thoughts are uncontrollably sporadic! But they're all centered around one center.


In plush,
ripe tones
Joy is rushing through my bones
If joy were a color it would be
Purple pastel pretty

Like old women and young children wear on Easter
Smiling while eating deviled-eggs
And drinking koolaid
Chasing blown bubbles in the backyard

The young one's distracting hats fly off...

And the old ones laugh a contagious laughter
That is to be shared by everyone there

The sun shines down upon them
As all of their physical imperfections
Gleam beautifully

And inside
Inside I feel like this
And I look outside my window
And imagine the future
Puple pastel pretty moments of joy
That I will one day have with my wife
My children
My friends
My family

I really look forward to those moments
But I am thankful for the one that I am having
Right now
This morning
On my couch

Overwhelmed by joy."

That's a poem by Bradley Hathaway. Not me.

But, boy I sure do love it.

When I read this, I think about how it's good to get excited about the little things in life. No matter where you are or what you're doing (or not doing), you can be filled with joy.

You can be as happy as you were when you were a little kid.
Eating chocolate cake, sitting in dad's lap, and cheesin' really big for the camera...

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