Monday, April 20, 2015


There are two different cultural perspectives on confidence:
1. Don't brag on yourself so much. You'll get too cocky.
2. It's good to know that you're awesome. After all, you are.

I've been back and forth on these too mindsets pretty much my entire life. From what I hear a lot of the time, and being a deep part of American culture, number 2 is the way to think. You should examine all your strengths, relish in them, cultivate them, and proudly display them.

If you're physically attractive then post pictures of yourself on social media.
If you're making bank, make sure people know.
If you're smart, fill up your conversations with highly academic words.
Show off your significant other and your children.

If you're a Christian, talk about how you read your Bible, pray, and lead people to Jesus. Talk about all your mission trips and outreaches you were a part of. Talk about how you lead a small group Bible study and go to the nursing home. Give generously to charities. Make yourself feel good. After all, you are a Christian.

I'm talking about myself, here.

Here's what the Bible says about it all:
"Blessed are the poor in spirit for the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs." Matthew 5:3
 Basically, God favors those who know that they can't.

"All of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags." Isaiah 64:6
Even on my best day, when I wake up and the first thing I want to do is talk to Jesus and then I read my Bible and then I get in the shower and cry over the lost people of the world and then I fast and then I give money to my church and then I listen to worship music and pray all the way to work and then I witness to somebody. I'm starting to think, "Whoa. I am on FIRE today."

I've got NOTHING. I'm starting to think that God's response to all of my awesome, Mother-Teresa-ish deeds is "Whoopty-freakin'-doo."

I listened to a Tim Keller sermon recently. He talked about the difference between middle-class-spirit people and poor-in-spirit people.

Middle-class-in-spirit people: Love Religion. Satisfied with what religion can offer them and are easily filled up with their good deeds.

Poor-in-spirit people: Love the Gospel. They know there is no way they can measure up and be a good enough person. They love Jesus and are overwhelmed with the sacrifice and the love He gave to them.

I don't want to be a middle-class person. I want to be a poor person. I hope all the things I've done does not satisfy me.

I want to know that I can't.
I want to realize that I deserve Hell, but God showed me mercy anyway.

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