I can't stand people who think they know everything. 'Specially those young people who sit in the front row at church passin' notes, whisperin' to their boyfriend, girlfriend, textin', pokin', laughin'. Don't they have parents who teach 'em to sit and listen? Sometimes, I wish young people would just be put somewhere else. They ain't never lived life so they don't know how to live life right. They just ain't got no sense and they think they know everything. They don't know diddly.
I know a thing er two. I've been going to this church for 27 years. Every Sund'y I sit in this exact spot and I see so much sin just a happenin' everywhere I look. Don't really talk to nobody 'cause I don't 'ssociate with sinners and those people think they know everything 'cause they got more money than me, they got a education, they got one of them trophy wives, but they ain't got nothin'. Even the pastor--I don't know for sure, but I don't really like him. I think he's up to something. One day he walked down the aisle and he gave me this kinda look like he just was tearin' up my soul. He must know that I'm on to him.
I always seen myself as a prophet like Jeremiah. People always be judging me hard and if they could, they would straight up stone me. I tell you one thing, they've never treated me as their so called "brother." And then they got the gall to ask me if I want to help with the Sunday night fundraiser for them children in Mexico. Well, they should have already known that I slipped a few bills in the offerin' this morning. I don't even like to help out with all those frilly little events they always tryin' to put on. I ain't got time for that. I get enough Jesus every Sunday morning from ten to 'leven thirthy. The good Lord knows my heart and he looks down on me as his beloved son.
God'll always take care of me and give me what I need, but I can't STAND them preachers who think you can just ask God for flat anything and He'll give it to ya like He's Santy Clause or somethin'. Where do these people get those ideas? I got everything I need. Yeah I've been on a financial roller coaster and I've been down and out a few times, but I'm still here, ain't I? The Lord is good. Yes He is and don't you tell me no different. I've had a lot of pain in my back and I got a limp when I walk but I can get around just fine and I got a wife who can massage my back while I watch the Cards play. The good Lord's puttin' me through this to teach me a lesson. He likes for his children to suffer 'cause it's good fer ya.
People don't think I know what's in the Bible, but I know what the Bible says. I'll tell you the two basic things ya need to know: "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth" AND "Woman, submit." I know what it says. I got a whole book case of Bible commentaries and a whole lotta spiritual stuff by big timey Christian authors. I got a whole bunch of Gospel music and I listen to it every mornin' while I drink my coffee and do the crossword in the paper. I even lead some Bible studies--a lot of Bible studies actually. I'm an usher at our Sund'y mornin' services once a month. My son plays the guitar on Sund'y mornin's too when he feels okay. He's a good boy. He stays outta trouble for the most part. He goes to some parties every once in a while, but he's a good boy. He stays outta trouble.
Yeah, I know he drinks a little, but there ain't nothing wrong with drinkin'. The good Lord said it is a sin to get DRUNK--not to drink. I know that 'cause I read that one time in the Bible. If I want to drink a beer, then I'll **** well do what I please. Some of my buddies who I've known since we was kids always go down to the bar every Saturd'y night and I go with 'em er once in a while when my wife's in a good mood. But I ain't no drunk. Don't you judge me. Drunks are people who don't take care of their families and they can't keep up with their money or anything. There ain't nothin' wrong with havin' a little fun at the bar with your buddies, but if ya go home and beat up your wife and kids then that's different. Jesus even drank wine at a weddin'. Yes he did. He changed water into wine. Don't you tell me that I can't drink my beer.
I'm just a simple soul and a good citizen. I don't drive drunk and I voted Republican in the last election. I'm an honest, hard-working person just a passin' through this world. Too bad there's too many people on it that think they know everything. I can't stand people who think they know everything.
Romans 2: 17-24
"You who call yourselves Jews are relying on God's law, and you boast about your special relationship with him. You know what he wants; you know what is right because you have been taught his law. You are convinced that you are a guide for the blind and a light for people who are lost in darkness. You think you can instruct the ignorant and teach children the ways of God. For you are certain that God's law gives you complete knowledge and truth.
Well then, if you teach others, why don't you teach yourself? You tell others not to steal, but do you steal? You say it is wrong to commit adultery, but do you commit adultery? You condemn idolatry, but do you use items stolen from pagan temples? You are so proud of knowing the law, but you dishonor God by breaking it. No wonder the Scriptures say, "The Gentiles blaspheme the name of God because of you."
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