Monday, November 5, 2012

Be Responsible

This morning, I went to my Spanish class and because tomorrow is the presidential election, our professor had us write a few sentences in Spanish about our thoughts on the two candidates. Something bothered me as the professor asked my classmates to read their opinions out loud. No, it wasn't because they were planning to vote for the candidate I'm not voting for and it wasn't the pompous way they shared their opinions ensuring the class that it was "la verdad!" (the truth!) It was the people who said, "I'm not into politics. I don't know anything about the candidates, so you can skip me."

I'm sure that this attitude doesn't only exist among college students, this destructive apathy permeates probably thousands of American citizens and even Christians. Their excuse? Well, they don't really have a good one besides the fact that politics can be icky to get into. I know. I know.

One of my old roommates came up with a funny definition of politics:

poli means "many"
tics means "blood-sucking creatures"

Besides this fake, yet funny meaning, politics need to be considered no matter how seemingly simple or disconnected from the idea our lives may be. Decisions made by political leaders has an effect on our simple and "disconnected" lives. If you have the privilege of living in the United States, you need to take responsibility.  Some dedicate their lives to protecting our rights and some have given their blood or their sanity for this country. Not everyone has to be this engaged, but, good grief, at least take the time to do some homework about a political party so you can be sure you make the right decision.

And to the Christians. Please. Refer to the Bible and compare it with what the political parties support. If you represent Jesus, then support the guy running for office who stands for biblical principals like the value of life and the sanctity of marriage. You can compare the Democratic and Republican platforms here

Another very, really, extremely, exceedingly, severely important thing you can do as a Christian is pray.

God says in 2 Chronicles 7:14 "If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear them from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and heal their land."

Non-Christians aren't going to do this. God wants us, His own people, to take responsibility, to get rid of the sin in our own lives, and to ask for mercy from God for all the junk that's happened in this country (which was undeniably founded for the glory of Jesus Christ). Take it upon yourself to see change happen in America. It's so easy to be disappointed and disgusted to the point of throwing your hands up and adopting the Doris Day mentality of "Que sera, sera. Whatever will be, will be." I'm guilty, but don't do that. God is not finished with America and He's not going to give up on her. Let's be like that.

So go do some homework and pray and seek God's face.

And tomorrow....


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