1. Driving in the pouring rain while scream singing to Skillet with Reid.
2. The second the roller coaster cart descended from the highest point of the Zippin' Pippin' at Liberty Land.
3. Explaining the story about Jesus to an international student and hearing him say, "Wow. It's so clear."
4. When I attempted to unscrew a broken light bulb from my lamp.
5. That day Dad, Reid, and I spent hours playing in monstrous rain puddles.
6. New Year's Eve at SALT 2009.
7. A cappella worship with my first youth group at a place called "Be Rock" that over looks a river, hundreds of trees, and a captivating sunset. June 2000.
8. Hitting a tennis ball against the practice board continuously on a blazing hot day.
9. Sunday morning worship service at International Christian Fellowship Church in Sapporo, Japan.
10. One night on the steps of Pogue Library with Jesus.
Wow. What a great idea. I usually hate random 'top 10' lists, but for some reason I really like this one. Makes me want to make my own...