I am now accepting high fives. Good news for you. Good news for me.
So for a year now, I've been having problems with my right wrist. What kind of problems, I still don't know. The doctors are pretty puzzled to say the least. After an x-ray, an MRI, three panels of blood work, and exploratory surgery, we still have no clue. They say it could be some kind of inflammatory arthritis (but the results of my blood work showed that everything was totally fine meaning arthritis is ruled out).
Precaution should still be taken even though my blood says (and Jesus' blood also says) that there is absolutely nothing wrong. Prayers have been repeated over my wrist by me, friends, and even people I didn't know at all.
At the SALT conference, there was a random guy who walked up to me before one of the services and asked if he could pray for me. We prayed three times. No sign.
Another time was when I was in one of the small sessions. I was paired up with this guy and we were supposed be to discussing a certain subject. He ended up praying for my wrist. We prayed three times. Still nothing.
Again, at SALT, I was put on quarantine in my hotel room for throwing up and wasn't allowed to go to the night service. I felt discouraged because I was looking forward to being healed at that service. A group of guys knocked on my door asking if I needed prayer for healing. YES! They prayed twice. Nada.
You may think that I was discouraged that last time, but after they left, I was full of so much joy. I said, "God, you are so thoughtful! To send those guys up to my room..." I cried because for the first time, I realized how much Jesus cared about my wrist.
A week later, I had surgery. It was miraculous because I found out I needed surgery on Wednesday and had it the very next day and just before school started up. THANK YOU!
So I had a vegetable for my right hand--the hand I use most including taking notes in class. Monday morning rolled around and I sat through the first two classes listening to the cliche rules and regulations of a college syllabus. My third class, Physics II, involved a syllabus examination as well, but when everything was said and done, the professor began to lecture. Oh, no. I was going to be behind as I predicted. For some reason I pulled out my notebook and pen, put the pen in my hand, and began to take notes.
No pain. Sloppy handwriting. No pain.
Praise Him. I took notes for the rest of the class. I went through the whole week with zero pain.
Yesterday, I visited two doctors. One cut away some of my stitches, the other poked me with some pretezone. My wrist feels stronger.
Jesus, you really do care and I believe you have touched me.
Ah...that's pretty awesome.