Tuesday, June 2, 2015

So Much Junk Food

There's no question: junk food is bad. Really bad. Everyone knows that. We all know what it does to us and how much we're addicted to it.

It's so much easier for me to sit down with a box of crackers and eat enough of them to consider it my dinner instead of eating a good, wholesome meal that I have to cook myself. I'd rather pop something in the microwave than take the time to plan, buy, and prepare food for myself that I know is way better and way, way tastier than junk food.

Junk food is easy and it's fast and I don't have to work so hard just to feed myself.

So is social media and Netflix and online articles and music.

It seems like those things dominate a lot of my free time. I get so caught up in the feelings and the emotional highs of it all, but I know very well that it does nothing for my mind, soul, or spirit. It doesn't nourish. And you, reading this right now, I think you know that too.

"Our stomachs are so full of the small, there is no room for the great." -John Piper

A friend and I decided recently that we were going to read a certain number of chapters from the Bible everyday. The first night I made myself stay up plowing through pages of the New Testament, I thought, "Why haven't I been doing this? This is awesome. This is what I need to be doing every single day." It felt good--really it did.

BUT after that first night, it started to feel like a chore. Why? Because I'm addicted to junk food. I'd rather spend my time browsing through Facebook or watching episodes of Community. Just being honest.

But this Bible reading thing is really doing something for me. I'm finding that I'm bored with social media and I don't like the stuff on it. It is so boring. SO boring. Watching another episode on Netflix used to be tempting, but now I'm like... "Another episode? Ehhhh.... blechhhh."

So this is what's happening to me. How is it happening? I'll tell you.

Intentionally saying "no" to my urges and saying "yes" to doing something that doesn't seem that fun. You may not be watching horrible, terrible TV shows or  listening to tasteless music. You could be enjoying good, wholesome entertainment. That's great. But that doesn't mean it's not messing with your attention span and "ruining your dinner"--your real dinner. Let go of it little by little and soon enough you'll be craving what the Bible says instead of what a Facebook meme says.

"How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth! Through your precepts I get understanding." -Psalm 119: 103-104

Also see: One Reason You're Bored With the Bible

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